Before doing anything in life we always think will doing this thing help us in anyway? Is it meaningful? Is it having any sense?
We always try to find how will it be useful in future. Why? Because we don't want to waste our time on unnecessary things. In today's fast and hyper competitive world it is but obvious wasting time is equal to a loss of crores of rupees.
But you know when does the problem occur. Problem occurs when we enjoy doing that useless thing.
I would like to share my own example over here which may be applicable to almost all the students.
It so may happen. Tomorrow is your exam. But due to certain reason you are highly frustrated or sad or anything, the only fact is you are not in a mood to study at all. And even if you try hard you cannot focus. In front of you there is a laptop with loads of good movies and songs. And of-course when you are not in a mood to study you are going to be attracted by such stuff. Now what to do in such a situation? You want to study but you cannot focus. Why? Because you are highly distracted by something.
Now in such a situation the best option is to do what you love the most as a part of the entertainment. Like for me listening to songs or watching some good movies or comedy serials often works. So i choose to do either of them.
You may be feeling what nonsense is this. It is a waste of time. But i will say it is a necessity in such a situation. Now you may be wondering how can it be useful.
Well its very simple, your mind is highly distracted by something very painful. This is not only going to keep your mind busy but will also keep your heart heavy. And when your mind is busy it is but obvious that you are not going to concentrate on anything else. And if you pressurize yourself to do the same, you are simply going to spoil the same. Hence, the only option with you is to empty your mind first and make yourself light hearted. It is just like a bucket. If you want to fill a bucket you need to empty it first. Otherwise it will overflow and the water that you will try to put in the filled bucket is only going to be wasted. Similarly, to fill up your mind with something new and good and essential, you need to empty the useless things from it. And doing something that entertains you help you emptying your mind. Because they are best at distracting you from your current situation. It will not only remove such frustration from your mind but will also help in freeing your heart from such pain. And then you will be able to concentrate on the things which are indispensable to be done.
But again you should know when to stop. Once you feel you are OK and well enough to concentrate you should refrain yourself from your piece of entertainment. ;)
Thus, doing useless for the useful is sometimes not only useful but also essential. So if you feel you are not in a position to do something important devote your some time for something unimportant. This will create more enthusiasm in you for doing your important tasks and duties.

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