Thursday, 19 May 2016

The Wheel is Turning Round and Round

We always wish that if we could get one more life, one more chance, we could have lived a better life; we could have corrected the mistakes we have committed. We always think about the time when it becomes the past but we never think of taking precautions for the future.

Time keeps on moving. It waits for none. The title also says the same thing i. e. the wheel of life keeps moving. Time passes with its own speed. Nobody can control the time but yes how that time should go is definitely in our control which most of us fails to understand and think about.

Since childhood we are hearing the story of the grasshopper and the ant where the ant works hard to collect and store food for the future and the lazy grasshopper simply lies down without any worries. When the summer season arrives the grasshopper starves for the food whereas the ant is at relief because he had stored the food for his future. This is the best instance where we can see that how the time should go can be controlled by us. The ant wanted to have a relaxed meal in winter so he took the precautions. He was able to secure his future because he thought about taking the precautions but the grasshopper never gave a thought to the same. Moreover, he even made fun of the ant and asked him to stop wasting his time at present.

There is a renowned couplet given by Kabir, “Kaal Kare So aaj Kar, Aaj Kare So Ab, Pal me Parlay Hogi, Bahuri Karega Kab?"

Being a student I would correlate this with student’s life. :D Students always wait for the exams to come and when they try to study, they realize that if they would have studied it earlier, it would have been easier now but as it is said in hindi, “Ab Pachtaye Kya Hot, Jab Chidiya Chug Gayi Khet.”

The point is why we depend on tomorrow. We never realize that every tomorrow soon becomes a yesterday. This is the reason why time is considered to be money. Because once it flies away, it never comes back.


Thus, I would like to end up saying that yes, the wheel do keeps turning round and round but where it should lead us is all in our hands.

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